My Perfect Imperfections

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

This post is inspired by Jenn Im's video, where she talks about her three features that she likes and another three features that she doesn't like. I thought that this is an excellent topic that contains a message, saying that nobody is perfect and that everyone has their own insecurities about their bodies. This topic emphasizes the importance to accept and embrace our flaws because ain't nobody will love your body if you do not love it yourself. But, instead of just pointing out our flaws, it is very important to point out the good side of ourselves too. We've got to balance out the negatives with the positives, right?

So, here are my three features that I am not a fan with:
 My noseGrowing up as an Asian, some of you probably may relate to having a flat nose. Well, mine's not that flat but still, it's not as pretty as Taylor Swift's nose. I always think that God is so unfair to give the Westerners better noses than the Asians, but maybe He has his own reasons, right? 

My ears; This body part of mine is my worst insecurity. My ears are so big that my hair couldn't cover the whole area of it. It annoys me very much, especially when I'm about to put my hair up on a bun or a ponytail, they are so visible that when you first look at my face, they are the first thing that you'll notice. Well, I don't get so many comments about my big ears, only two or three people who actually notice how big they are, but they still make me feel very insecure. Fun fact: I first noticed those big ears when I was in my third year of primary school, and I went to a salon to have my hair straightened. The lady who did my hair was the first one to tell me that my ears are so big, the hair couldn't cover my whole ears.

My height; I am a petite girl. I'm only 5'1 (156cm) and it annoys me everytime someone asks me if I'm a secondary student. My petite body makes me looks so much younger that sometimes I'm not sure if this is a pro or a con for me. I guess the reason why I'm irritated about my petite body is that some people won't take me seriously. Also, no jeans can fit me perfectly! I'll always have to get them tailored and cut a few inches down. And when I saw a maxi dress in an online shop that intrigued me, because I know it will be too long for me. Oh, the struggles!

Now, enough with the negatives. Let's move on to the positives!
Here are a few of my features that I love:
My eyebrows; I love love love my eyebrows! I don't have to shape or draw them because they are perfect just the way they are. The only thing that I should do is to trim them. I always get compliments on how thick and well-shaped my brows are and those compliments always made my day.

Eyelashes; I know it's quite rare for Asians, especially Chinese to have long eyelashes, but fortunately, I'm given just that. They obviously are not as long as the Westerners, but I'm happy with what I have. Although they are long, they go down like an umbrella, lol. All I need is a great eyelash curler and mascara to fix them sad looking eyelashes.

Lip; my lip may not be as full as Angeline Jolie's or Kylie Jenner's but I love it the way it is. I'm not sure what is so special about my lips that I love it so much, I guess it just looks pinkish and full naturally. My lip is my confidence booster. When I don't feel like putting makeup on, I usually just find a great neutral colored lipstick and I'm good to go!

So, yeah. I've just told you about my features that I like and dislikes. I'm taking a huge leap of faith here, trusting you guys not to judge me, whatsoever. I guess it is fair that I read a little about you guys' perfect imperfections? Feel free to leave a comment down there, xx.

1 comment:

  1. i can so relate with you regarding the flat nose thing. i never cared about it but growing up, i'm surrounded by people who constantly talk shit about my flat nose and that affects my self-esteem so much. but i never thought about getting it done whatsoever. still, i wasted years accepting the fact that i have ugly round nose, thanks to the asian adults around me bitchin about it. now, i embrace it and call it my button nose - it's what my friends and partner call it. 'button nose' makes me think about cartoon characters' nose so there you go, something positive.

    another thing i hate about my features would be my jaw. i think it's no question that the media portrays oval face as the ideal, perfect shape. i, on the other hand, have round-kinda-square-ish face shape and i'm so insecure about my jaw. i always think it makes me look fat and gross. i always say that i don't wanna get plastic surgery or anything but man, if there's some magic i can do, i'd probably change my jaw shape.

    another one would be my lips. i have slightly droopy heavy lower lip and i always think i have a little bit of that 'duck, pouty lips' going on. (all the unsupportive adults around me call it 'doer' - as in doer in indonesian language) but my friend told me that my lips 'is every instagram girl's dream' because people these days are crazy over that kylie jenner heavy lower lip style and that makes me feel a little bit better haha it makes applying lipstick a little difficult though because it's kind of droopy.

    on a positive note, i love my eyes and eyelashes too! thankfully i don't have that common 'short, nonexistent lashes' problem since mine are long. the only thing is that they're not very full / voluminous so i always need volumizing mascara. as for eye shape, i like that i have double eyelids and big round, doe-shaped eyes :)

    and then there's my plump, "mochi-like" cheeks and super straight hair people usually think i got it straighten when i don't :D


    this is such a fun personal post btw! i think it's cool to be vain sometimes and admire what you have ;P


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